An Accidental Adventure: We Are Not Eaten By Yaks
An Accidental Adventure: We Are Not Eaten By Yaks
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Dear Reader, I promise you that this book will be the adventure of a lifetime. Together we shall climb high into the Himalayas and deep into ancient gorges. We'll meet strange creatures and discover hidden temples. We'll even ride a yak! I should warn you that Oliver and Celia Navel, our heroes in these adventures, are not nearly as excited as I am. In fact, they are not excited at all. I am sure that they would rather have been left out of this story altogether. They are two of the laziest children you may ever meet, and they want nothing to do with adventures of any kind. They would rather just watch television. Unfortunately for them, they live at the Explorers Club with their parents, who are world famous explorers and celebrated daredevils. Although the twins would rather spend the summer on the couch, their mother has gone missing, their father craves excitement, and they are doomed to miss all their favorite shows. I shall do my best to record their unwitting exploits in these pages. It is not all bad for Oliver and Celia Navel. If they survive these ordeals, they might finally get cable television. We shall shope, four our sake and fir theirs, that they do. Most Sincerely, C. Alexander London Explorer, Adventurer. Librarian.
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